ENG Manresa 2022


The Manresa 2022 Project is a strategic commitment of the city, transversal and participatory, intending to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Manresa, on his way on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Ignatius stayed in our city for about a year, was inspired to write the Spiritual Exercises and had a revealing experience, which marked his life and led him to found the Society of Jesus. 

For this reason, Manresa is considered the birthplace of the Jesuit order. So much so that many Jesuit centres around the world are named after Manresa.

Manresa City Council wants to take this opportunity to renew the image of the city and invites entities, companies and organisations to collaborate in the project and the events that will take place around 2022.

If you are interested in being a patron or sponsoring any action of the project, please contact us at