Manresa 2022 Commemorative programme 2022 Spirituality and thought

At a Crossroads: An Intergenerational and Multireligious Response to the Social and Environmental Crises

Manresa 2022 International Multireligious Forum, under the title “Cruilla de Camins” [“Crossroads”], will bring together internationally renowned international figures from the field of thought in the World Council of Religions for Peace Leaders' Meeting (Religions for Peace). The meeting is meant to be intergenerational between religious leaders and young people from different countries. The environment will be the central theme, focusing the dialogue on transforming cities into sustainable, just, resilient and inclusive spaces, making the environment the fundamental development axis.

The forum will take over three days, brimmed with conferences, dialogues, workshops, visits, and the final signing of a global multi-religious and multi-sectoral pact for sustainable cities.

The involvement of Religions for Peace International, based in New York, brings in multi-religious participants from over 90 countries and the leadership of Dr Azza Karam, Secretary-General of Religions for Peace International.


read the manresa 2022 pact   

sign your name to the manresa 2022 pact

With the collaboration of:


placeAddress: Espai Plana de l'Om
callPhone: +34 93 878 40 90
28th to 30th november
Virtual Registration
29 November: Workshops Around the City of Manresa